differences between islam and christianity

differences between islam and christianity

    By reading this lesson you will know-

    Principles of Islam

    Principles of Hinduism

    differences between islam and christianity

    By reading this lesson you will know-  •Principles of Islam  • Principles of Hinduism  • differences between islam and christianity   differences between islam and christianity   Islam is religion  Islam is called a religion of peace. The Arabic word 'Islam' is derived from 'salam' meaning peace and 'silm' meaning | From Surrender of Money. According to Islamic philosophers, man attains peace through surrender to the Creator or Allah. As a result, people can establish a peaceful relationship with everything in the world created by God. This is why Muslims exchange 'salam' or peace when they meet each other. People who follow Islam are called Muslims. To be a Muslim is firstly to submit completely to the will of Allah and secondly to live by this ideal. A believer gradually becomes a true Muslim by implementing the ideal of submission to Allah in all his life. Then he was called 'Momin'.  Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the founder of Islam. He was born in Mecca, Arabia in 570 AD. While meditating, he received divine words. He preached to the Meccans that Allah is One and Unique. There is no Lord but Him. He also preached that Allah is All-Merciful and for the peace of man it is necessary to attain virtue by abandoning sinful deeds and surrendering to the All-Merciful. Otherwise, when people are resurrected after death, Allah will reward the righteous and punish the sinners. Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) also said that he was the Messenger of Allah and was commanded to preach this divine message. The Meccans did not want to believe in monotheism instead of worshiping different gods and goddesses. They also did not believe in resurrection after death. Furthermore, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was attacked. As a result, he left Makkah and migrated to Madinah. While living in Madinah he received most of the divine revelations and preached Islam.  According to Islam, Allah does not manifest Himself in human form or appear as an avatar. That is why it is believed that Muhammad (pbuh) was human and acted as a medium between Allah and humans. He conveyed the divine message to mankind which is recorded in the Qur'an. However, Muslims follow the interpretation and guidance given by Muhammad (PBUH) as 'Sunnah'. The teachings of Muhammad (PBUH) have been recorded as 'Hadith'. Muslims are instructed to lead their lives in the light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The Qur'an is believed to be a book of 'hidayat' or guidance.    There are seven basic beliefs in Islam. Allah is One and Almighty. Angels act as mediums between God and humans. Allah has sent many prophets for the salvation of people but Muhammad (pbuh) is the last prophet. The Qur'an is the revealed scripture of Allah and the other three revealed scriptures are the Torah, Zabur and Injil. Allah determines the good and bad of creation. Allah will judge the sins and virtues on the last day of judgment. Allah will revive people on the Day of Judgment.  The main belief of Islam is 'Tawheed' or monotheism of God. The main motto of this religion is 'La ilaha illallahu' meaning there is no god but Allah. This belief is associated with the concept of 'wholeness'. Allah is One and He has no partner or partner. So it is believed that the universe created by God is one with Him. Similarly, it is believed that human pre-birth, post-birth and post-death states belong to the same continuum. It is believed that nature and the supernatural are indivisible. The physical, moral, logical, aesthetic and spiritual aspects of man are not divided. Rather, all this creates a complete human personality. According to Islam, there is no difference between people, all people are equal. like this  Everything in the universe is believed to be "S".  The main belief of Islam is Tawheed, which is the monotheism of God.  Islam is called the "Straight Path" or "Siratul Mostakim". There are rules and rituals in the practice of religion. There are five rules to be observed in the practice of religion, which are called the five pillars of Islam. These are faith, prayer, fasting, zakat and Hajj. Faith is the belief that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger or Prophet of Allah. Muslims are required to pray individually five times a day, collectively every Friday and on special occasions. To Allah through prayer and supplication. Surrender leads to purity of heart. During the Arabic month of Ramadan, Muslims fast for a month. They abstain from food and drink for a specified period of time and concentrate on purifying themselves by giving up bad habits. It is said that Zakat is not given to show kindness to the poor. Zakat is given for the sake of pleasing Allah and purifying oneself. The duty of distribution of resources is fulfilled. The pilgrimage of millions of Muslims around the holy Kaaba Sharif in Mecca is a symbol of unity and equality. In this ritual ceremony, Muslims from different regions of the world come together and forget their differences by performing similar rituals for the same purpose and change their inner world. It awakens a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood among the Muslims of the world.  The Qur'an emphasizes the attainment of good morals and contains various rules of conduct. According to Islam, sin is the slippage of morality. Each person is responsible for his own sins. The highest sin is 'Shirk' or denying the oneness of Allah and associating anyone or anything with Him. 'Shirk' is considered an unforgivable crime. Other moral transgressions can be remedied through penance and prayer. Islam prescribes five ways for self-purification. 'Taqwa' is devotion to Allah and performance of duties. Doing good deeds for the sake of Allah is called 'Ikhlas'. Trusting in Allah's will is 'Tawakkul'. To be patient means to be patient. To be 'Shokar' means to express gratitude to Allah. Islam does not believe in reincarnation for the purification of the soul. Post-death status is believed to be judged from a legal perspective.   Islam is believed to be a perfect way of life. Religious law is considered to be the full      Coercion is the purpose of Sharia law. Islam does not distinguish between law and morality and law and religion. Failure to follow Sharia law is considered a punishable crime and sin. The main sources of Islamic religious law are the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The other two sources are 'Ijma' and 'Qiyas'. When Muslim judges reach a consensus on a point of law, it is called 'Ijma'. And qiyas is to give a logical explanation of a matter in the light of religion which is regarded as law.  Among the followers of Islam there is the Sufi sect of believers in mysticism. The religious belief of the Sufis is that the merging of the human being with God is the true religion. According to them, worldly wealth and pleasures enslave people and it is possible to attain unity with God only by renouncing them. According to the Sufi saints, true religion cannot be practiced merely by following religious rules and rituals. Their belief is that the union of the soul with God by loving God and renouncing desires is the true religion.       Hinduism  Hinduism is an ancient religion. It originated in the Indian subcontinent. The word "Dharma" is derived from the Sanskrit word "Dharayati" which means that which man upholds, carries and protects. That is, Dharma means the laws, duties, justice and kindness which man observes. For a long time Hindus The religion combines many theological, philosophical, ethical, social and cultural institutions. One of the characteristics of Hinduism is adherence to the precepts of the scripture Vedas. In addition, various rules are followed in various aspects of life, such as food intake, marriage, cremation of the dead, etc. Various customs and rituals are celebrated according to the religious rules.Jati Varna rituals are observed in the social organization.  Archaeologists' discoveries in ancient India reveal the religious practices of the people living in the Indian subcontinent from 3250 BC to 2750 BC. It is believed that at that time people were mainly nature worshipers. Various plants, goddesses of flora and serpents were worshipped. Around 1700 BC  He was a priest. Shiva and his favorite animal the cow are known to have been worshiped as deities. Besides then. It is known that Indian people used to practice religion through various hymns or religious music. By these it is basically meant singing hymns or hymns. Gradually these were preserved and recorded in the 'Vedas'. The names of the four 'Vedas' are 'Rigveda', 'Samaveda', 'Ajurveda' and 'Atharveda'. A few types of nature worship are known from the Rigveda. These are Agni, Indra (storm), Usha, Surya, Marut (wind) and Soma (a type of tree) Around 500 BC various institutions, rules and mantras of religious practice are said to have developed. One of the hallmarks of Hinduism is the belief in reincarnation. Life is called Jeevan Chakra or "Samsar". In it, the destiny of man is determined by his "Karma". From this cycle, "Moksha" can be attained or released through penance, meditation and yoga. If one fails to attain "Moksha", he is You have to come to earth as a human or an animal in the next birth. That is, according to Hinduism, the union of the soul with the Supreme Soul is possible. But because the human soul is not pure, union with God is not possible. This is why the practice of birth and birth is necessary. The general idea from the Upanishads (sacred texts) is that 'Brahma' is the only liberator. The goal of human pursuit of religion is to become one with Brahma.     Hinduism has the concept of God coming in the form of an "Avatar". Vishnu is said to appear in different forms. Around 600 BC, a teacher named Vasudeva taught this style. The scripture “Bhagavata Gita” or Lord's Song is composed. In the epic 'Mahabharata' various stories of avatars are mentioned. there is Another incarnation of Vishnu is Krishna.  One of the hallmarks of Hinduism is regeneration  In the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, various practices of Hinduism became more institutionalized. Many rules are recorded in the religious code of Manu.  The Bhakti Sadhakas of Hinduism introduced a new style of religious practice during the period from 1000 to 1800 AD. Vaishnavisms preach that man's relationship with God is one of love and devotion. They also preach that the human soul is moved by love and God responds. In the same vein Chaitanya (1484-1527) preached that faith in Krishna and chanting of Krishna's name is the practice of religion enough.     Christianity  Christianity is the religion preached by Jesus Christ. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Jerusalem. The priests and rulers at the time of Jesus' birth were called 'Messiah' in Hebrew. The Hebrew word Messiah is translated as 'Christos' in Greek and used as Christ in English. To Muslims, Jesus Christ is known as Prophet Jesus (PBUH). The preaching of Jesus Christ is recorded in the holy book 'Bible.   differences between islam and christianity   Judaism has a relationship with the development of Christianity. Christians believe that Christianity emerged as a continuation of the religion and rules preached by Prophet Moses (pbuh). According to them, Christianity perfected earlier religious beliefs and practices. Christians believe that Prophet Moses (pbuh) preached the message of God and Christianity is also the message of God. For this reason, Christians read the Old Testament and the New Testament together as the Bible.  The central belief of Christianity is that God has revealed himself and his will through Jesus Christ. God is conceived as an eternal and eternal spiritual entity. Christianity is characterized by monotheism. But God has three forms. God is the union of the Father (God), the Son (Jesus) and the Supreme Spirit. In this religion man is conceived as a combination of physical and spiritual entities. Man is deprived of God's mercy because of his sinfulness. Jesus Christ is believed to be the Son of God and one of the trinity of God. According to Christianity, God became human through Jesus Christ, and therefore the divine and human attributes of Jesus Christ became continuous. Man's original sin (the descent of Adam and Eve from heaven to earth) caused separation from God. The coming of Jesus Christ ended that separation. Because God is reconciled with Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus Christ died on their behalf to atone for the guilt and sin of mankind. Many Christians believe that Jesus Christ will be resurrected. After that the believers will enjoy eternal happiness and the sinners will enjoy eternal punishment. According to Christianity, human success depends on love of God and love of Jesus. As Jesus Christ was inspired by God's love and he distributed love to all mankind. Christians consider Christianity to be an international religion because of the concept of God's love and human love. For this reason missionaries are engaged in preaching and service work. Christian missionaries undertake education and health care programs.      Buddhism    Basic Principles of Buddhism • Principle of worshiping nature.  Siddhartha Gautama was born in Kapilavastu, Nepal sometime around 563 BC. Though favored by the royal family, he was not attracted to kingdom and wealth. As a child, he was indifferent and preoccupied with family matters. The state of old age, diseased people, death and the life of a monk all affect Siddhartha's psyche. After observing the decay, suffering and impermanence of life, Siddhartha's reluctance towards samsara increased. In the midst of a monk's pursuit of knowledge, he finds joy. One day after that, Siddhartha left the family. He practiced austerity and immersed himself in severe austerities. Then, giving up severe austerities, he adopted the middle path and became absorbed in meditation. Through meditation, Siddhartha achieved success and attained 'bodhi' or enlightenment, becoming known as 'Buddha'. Buddhism is the religion preached by Gautama Buddha.  According to the elder, the foundation of Buddhism on the animal level is the realization of the four truths. The four truths are- 1. Human life is miserable 2. The root cause of suffering is thirst 3. By destroying thirst, people get rid of sorrow 4. By adopting the middle path from desire for enjoyment to thirst. Thirst is the cause of millions.  Liberation is possible and the middle path is the Eightfold Path. According to the Buddha, the existence of only animals is miserable. Thirst is born from the desire to enjoy. So only by suppressing thirst it is possible to relieve decay, death, grief, sorrow etc. The Buddha advises to take the middle path. The middle path is the path between the two extremes. One end is austerity and renunciation of everything and the other end is surrender to the flow of karma. The eightfold path includes – Prajna (same sight, same determination), Sheela (same speech, same action, same livelihood) Samadhi (same effort, same memory, same meditation). All that is necessary to be shunned for the attainment of wisdom are - evil deeds, envy, theft, adultery, lying, backbiting, harsh words, backbiting, covetousness, revenge, acquired ideas. To acquire shila or virtue one must speak the truth, do good deeds and live by righteous livelihood. In order to attain Samadhi, it is necessary to exercise restraint of the senses, to remember the Dharma and to gain concentration of the mind. In general, the basic foundation of the religious life of Buddhists is to follow the five principles. These five are - not to kill animals, not to steal, not to commit adultery, not to tell lies and not to take drugs. Bhikkhus (those who practice Dharma) have to follow Dassheela. They have to add five more sheels to the above five sheels. These are - Abstaining from the afternoon meal, abstaining from dances, not using perfumes, not using Uksha and not using gold and silver etc.  According to the Buddha, only Karma Through this, people can change their lives. Buddha values ​​the lives of all beings. His message is to change lives  One of the sayings of Buddha is that man is the master of his own destiny. According to him, only through action can man be kind to all living beings - non-violence is the supreme religion and killing living beings is the greatest sin. Buddha's teachings can be found in the 'Tripitaka' in Pali. is recorded. Buddha believed in reason and self-realization. He also considers it inappropriate to accept his teachings without verifying them.  The essence of Buddhism is belief in anita, suffering and injustice. There is no such thing as a separate soul in Buddhism. There is no belief in supernatural powers in this religion. Reincarnation is believed in to get rid of thirst due to sorrow. According to the Buddha, liberation from lust, enjoyment, thirst, etc., may require the practice of births. Finally, when the thirst is completely extinguished and the desire for pleasure ends, the suffering ends. Then people attain Nirvana. The Buddha considered it absurd to question what happens to man after attaining Nirvana. The Buddha spoke of using religion as a raft to attain Nirvana. According to the Buddha it is unreasonable to carry the velarupi dharma.   Nature worship    | Prakriti Pujari's belief system is to worship the ancestors. For example, we can talk about the Khasias. They believe that everything in nature, even inanimate objects, comes from God. Moreover, they remember the ancestors and have souls to help them in any need.  Many of the small ethnic groups of Bangladesh worship nature. One of Prakriti Puja's spirits is also powerful. Khasias offer food to deceased ancestors by placing food at the foot of the hill and organizing ceremonies. Prakriti Pujaris believe that not only living humans, but everything in nature and even inanimate objects have souls. They too and the Santals worship the Sun. They also believe that villages, households, crops and forests have spirits. They worship these spirits for the happiness and prosperity of people. The royals offered offerings to the spirits of mountains, rivers and forests. Khasias believe in the power of stones and use stones to ward off calamities. Many nature worshipers worship animals. Manipuris respect and give food to snakes and snakes. Santals worship the cow.  Many nature worshipers believe in magic. They think that if an object of nature has a special quality, then by using that object, people can also possess that quality or get benefit. Among the Santals it is said that the world was created from a duck's egg. They also believe that life is hidden inside eggs. The egg is like a pregnant woman, who holds two souls together. From this belief they pray for child birth by using eggs through rituals. Many nature worshipers perform various rituals in imitation of the objects they desire. As they wish for rain, they also get soaked in water in groups, sprinkle water and dance. Chakmaras pray for rain and perform frog marriage ceremony. Their belief is that since the frog is an aquatic animal, nature will provide rain for the happiness of the frog. Murongs believe in the power of trees. Many of them marry their son or daughter to a tree before marriage in order to eliminate the dangers of married life. They refrain from going near the tree in the middle of the night and mid-afternoon, fearing that the evil energy of the tree may cause harm. Many nature worshipers believe in dreams and find meaning in dreams. They lead their lives by following the instructions of their dreams. For example, crocodiles believe that seeing something white in a dream like flowers, climbing a mountain, crossing a river is a good sign. But dreaming of a broken urn, something red in color and someone crying is an inauspicious sign.  Nature worshipers take measures to ward off the influence of evil forces. They call upon Ojha to recover from snake bites. Ojha summons the biting snake by mantra and cures the bitten person. Prakriti Pujaris believe that animal sacrifices are necessary to ward off evil and gain good fortune. An example is the Garos. The Garos sacrifice animals to protect against disease and danger, for good harvests and for the safety of the group. The Chakmas believe that using magic and evil energy can make people sick and cause harm. They believe in magic spells to save themselves from all these harms.       The basic foundation of Islam is monotheism. The main duty of Muslims is to obey Allah and submit to Him. According to Hinduism, the soul is immortal. Through action and sadhana, the union of the soul with the Supreme Soul takes place. Hinduism has the concept of reincarnation to bring about the purity of the soul. The basic message of Christianity is the trinity of God or the unity of the Father, God, the Son, Jesus and the Supreme Soul. is believed That in Jesus God appeared. Buddhism does not have the concept of God as a soul. Buddhism believes that lack of enjoyment leads to thirst and human life becomes miserable. In Buddhism, the main focus of sadhana is to suppress craving and get rid of suffering. Buddhism believes in reincarnation. Nature worshipers are nature lovers. They reconcile human life with the laws of nature. Nature worshipers try to subdue the forces of nature to fulfill their desires. For this purpose they perform various rituals.

    Islam is religion

    Islam is called a religion of peace. The Arabic word 'Islam' is derived from 'salam' meaning peace and 'silm' meaning | From Surrender of Money. According to Islamic philosophers, man attains peace through surrender to the Creator or Allah. As a result, people can establish a peaceful relationship with everything in the world created by God. This is why Muslims exchange 'salam' or peace when they meet each other. People who follow Islam are called Muslims. To be a Muslim is firstly to submit completely to the will of Allah and secondly to live by this ideal. A believer gradually becomes a true Muslim by implementing the ideal of submission to Allah in all his life. Then he was called 'Momin'.

    Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the founder of Islam. He was born in Mecca, Arabia in 570 AD. While meditating, he received divine words. He preached to the Meccans that Allah is One and Unique. There is no Lord but Him. He also preached that Allah is All-Merciful and for the peace of man it is necessary to attain virtue by abandoning sinful deeds and surrendering to the All-Merciful. Otherwise, when people are resurrected after death, Allah will reward the righteous and punish the sinners. Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) also said that he was the Messenger of Allah and was commanded to preach this divine message. The Meccans did not want to believe in monotheism instead of worshiping different gods and goddesses. They also did not believe in resurrection after death. Furthermore, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was attacked. As a result, he left Makkah and migrated to Madinah. While living in Madinah he received most of the divine revelations and preached Islam.

    According to Islam, Allah does not manifest Himself in human form or appear as an avatar. That is why it is believed that Muhammad (pbuh) was human and acted as a medium between Allah and humans. He conveyed the divine message to mankind which is recorded in the Qur'an. However, Muslims follow the interpretation and guidance given by Muhammad (PBUH) as 'Sunnah'. The teachings of Muhammad (PBUH) have been recorded as 'Hadith'. Muslims are instructed to lead their lives in the light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The Qur'an is believed to be a book of 'hidayat' or guidance.

    There are seven basic beliefs in Islam. Allah is One and Almighty. Angels act as mediums between God and humans. Allah has sent many prophets for the salvation of people but Muhammad (pbuh) is the last prophet. The Qur'an is the revealed scripture of Allah and the other three revealed scriptures are the Torah, Zabur and Injil. Allah determines the good and bad of creation. Allah will judge the sins and virtues on the last day of judgment. Allah will revive people on the Day of Judgment.

    The main belief of Islam is 'Tawheed' or monotheism of God. The main motto of this religion is 'La ilaha illallahu' meaning there is no god but Allah. This belief is associated with the concept of 'wholeness'. Allah is One and He has no partner or partner. So it is believed that the universe created by God is one with Him. Similarly, it is believed that human pre-birth, post-birth and post-death states belong to the same continuum. It is believed that nature and the supernatural are indivisible. The physical, moral, logical, aesthetic and spiritual aspects of man are not divided. Rather, all this creates a complete human personality. According to Islam, there is no difference between people, all people are equal. like this

    Everything in the universe is believed to be "S".

    The main belief of Islam is Tawheed, which is the monotheism of God.

    Islam is called the "Straight Path" or "Siratul Mostakim". There are rules and rituals in the practice of religion. There are five rules to be observed in the practice of religion, which are called the five pillars of Islam. These are faith, prayer, fasting, zakat and Hajj. Faith is the belief that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger or Prophet of Allah. Muslims are required to pray individually five times a day, collectively every Friday and on special occasions. To Allah through prayer and supplication. Surrender leads to purity of heart. During the Arabic month of Ramadan, Muslims fast for a month. They abstain from food and drink for a specified period of time and concentrate on purifying themselves by giving up bad habits. It is said that Zakat is not given to show kindness to the poor. Zakat is given for the sake of pleasing Allah and purifying oneself. The duty of distribution of resources is fulfilled. The pilgrimage of millions of Muslims around the holy Kaaba Sharif in Mecca is a symbol of unity and equality. In this ritual ceremony, Muslims from different regions of the world come together and forget their differences by performing similar rituals for the same purpose and change their inner world. It awakens a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood among the Muslims of the world.

    The Qur'an emphasizes the attainment of good morals and contains various rules of conduct. According to Islam, sin is the slippage of morality. Each person is responsible for his own sins. The highest sin is 'Shirk' or denying the oneness of Allah and associating anyone or anything with Him. 'Shirk' is considered an unforgivable crime. Other moral transgressions can be remedied through penance and prayer. Islam prescribes five ways for self-purification. 'Taqwa' is devotion to Allah and performance of duties. Doing good deeds for the sake of Allah is called 'Ikhlas'. Trusting in Allah's will is 'Tawakkul'. To be patient means to be patient. To be 'Shokar' means to express gratitude to Allah. Islam does not believe in reincarnation for the purification of the soul. Post-death status is believed to be judged from a legal perspective.

    Islam is believed to be a perfect way of life. Religious law is considered to be the full

    Coercion is the purpose of Sharia law. Islam does not distinguish between law and morality and law and religion. Failure to follow Sharia law is considered a punishable crime and sin. The main sources of Islamic religious law are the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The other two sources are 'Ijma' and 'Qiyas'. When Muslim judges reach a consensus on a point of law, it is called 'Ijma'. And qiyas is to give a logical explanation of a matter in the light of religion which is regarded as law.

    Among the followers of Islam there is the Sufi sect of believers in mysticism. The religious belief of the Sufis is that the merging of the human being with God is the true religion. According to them, worldly wealth and pleasures enslave people and it is possible to attain unity with God only by renouncing them. According to the Sufi saints, true religion cannot be practiced merely by following religious rules and rituals. Their belief is that the union of the soul with God by loving God and renouncing desires is the true religion.


    Hinduism is an ancient religion. It originated in the Indian subcontinent. The word "Dharma" is derived from the Sanskrit word "Dharayati" which means that which man upholds, carries and protects. That is, Dharma means the laws, duties, justice and kindness which man observes. For a long time Hindus The religion combines many theological, philosophical, ethical, social and cultural institutions. One of the characteristics of Hinduism is adherence to the precepts of the scripture Vedas. In addition, various rules are followed in various aspects of life, such as food intake, marriage, cremation of the dead, etc. Various customs and rituals are celebrated according to the religious rules.Jati Varna rituals are observed in the social organization.

    from the Upanishads (sacred texts) is that 'Brahma' is the only liberator. The goal of human pursuit of religion is to become one with Brahma.     Hinduism has the concept of God coming in the form of an "Avatar". Vishnu is said to appear in different forms. Around 600 BC, a teacher named Vasudeva taught this style. The scripture “Bhagavata Gita” or Lord's Song is composed. In the epic 'Mahabharata' various stories of avatars are mentioned. there is Another incarnation of Vishnu is Krishna.  One of the hallmarks of Hinduism is regeneration  In the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, various practices of Hinduism became more institutionalized. Many rules are recorded in the religious code of Manu.  The Bhakti Sadhakas of Hinduism introduced a new style of religious practice during the period from 1000 to 1800 AD. Vaishnavisms preach that man's relationship with God is one of love and devotion. They also preach that the human soul is moved by love and God responds. In the same vein Chaitanya (1484-1527) preached that faith in Krishna and chanting of Krishna's name is the practice of religion enough.

    Archaeologists' discoveries in ancient India reveal the religious practices of the people living in the Indian subcontinent from 3250 BC to 2750 BC. It is believed that at that time people were mainly nature worshipers. Various plants, goddesses of flora and serpents were worshipped. Around 1700 BC

    He was a priest. Shiva and his favorite animal the cow are known to have been worshiped as deities. Besides then. It is known that Indian people used to practice religion through various hymns or religious music. By these it is basically meant singing hymns or hymns. Gradually these were preserved and recorded in the 'Vedas'. The names of the four 'Vedas' are 'Rigveda', 'Samaveda', 'Ajurveda' and 'Atharveda'. A few types of nature worship are known from the Rigveda. These are Agni, Indra (storm), Usha, Surya, Marut (wind) and Soma (a type of tree) Around 500 BC various institutions, rules and mantras of religious practice are said to have developed. One of the hallmarks of Hinduism is the belief in reincarnation. Life is called Jeevan Chakra or "Samsar". In it, the destiny of man is determined by his "Karma". From this cycle, "Moksha" can be attained or released through penance, meditation and yoga. If one fails to attain "Moksha", he is You have to come to earth as a human or an animal in the next birth. That is, according to Hinduism, the union of the soul with the Supreme Soul is possible. But because the human soul is not pure, union with God is not possible. This is why the practice of birth and birth is necessary. The general idea from the Upanishads (sacred texts) is that 'Brahma' is the only liberator. The goal of human pursuit of religion is to become one with Brahma.

    Hinduism has the concept of God coming in the form of an "Avatar". Vishnu is said to appear in different forms. Around 600 BC, a teacher named Vasudeva taught this style. The scripture “Bhagavata Gita” or Lord's Song is composed. In the epic 'Mahabharata' various stories of avatars are mentioned. there is Another incarnation of Vishnu is Krishna.

    One of the hallmarks of Hinduism is regeneration

    In the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, various practices of Hinduism became more institutionalized. Many rules are recorded in the religious code of Manu.

    The Bhakti Sadhakas of Hinduism introduced a new style of religious practice during the period from 1000 to 1800 AD. Vaishnavisms preach that man's relationship with God is one of love and devotion. They also preach that the human soul is moved by love and God responds. In the same vein Chaitanya (1484-1527) preached that faith in Krishna and chanting of Krishna's name is the practice of religion enough.


    Christianity is the religion preached by Jesus Christ. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Jerusalem. The priests and rulers at the time of Jesus' birth were called 'Messiah' in Hebrew. The Hebrew word Messiah is translated as 'Christos' in Greek and used as Christ in English. To Muslims, Jesus Christ is known as Prophet Jesus (PBUH). The preaching of Jesus Christ is recorded in the holy book 'Bible.

    differences between islam and christianity

    Christianity  Christianity is the religion preached by Jesus Christ. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Jerusalem. The priests and rulers at the time of Jesus' birth were called 'Messiah' in Hebrew. The Hebrew word Messiah is translated as 'Christos' in Greek and used as Christ in English. To Muslims, Jesus Christ is known as Prophet Jesus (PBUH). The preaching of Jesus Christ is recorded in the holy book 'Bible.   differences between islam and christianity

    Judaism has a relationship with the development of Christianity. Christians believe that Christianity emerged as a continuation of the religion and rules preached by Prophet Moses (pbuh). According to them, Christianity perfected earlier religious beliefs and practices. Christians believe that Prophet Moses (pbuh) preached the message of God and Christianity is also the message of God. For this reason, Christians read the Old Testament and the New Testament together as the Bible.

    The central belief of Christianity is that God has revealed himself and his will through Jesus Christ. God is conceived as an eternal and eternal spiritual entity. Christianity is characterized by monotheism. But God has three forms. God is the union of the Father (God), the Son (Jesus) and the Supreme Spirit. In this religion man is conceived as a combination of physical and spiritual entities. Man is deprived of God's mercy because of his sinfulness. Jesus Christ is believed to be the Son of God and one of the trinity of God. According to Christianity, God became human through Jesus Christ, and therefore the divine and human attributes of Jesus Christ became continuous. Man's original sin (the descent of Adam and Eve from heaven to earth) caused separation from God. The coming of Jesus Christ ended that separation. Because God is reconciled with Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus Christ died on their behalf to atone for the guilt and sin of mankind. Many Christians believe that Jesus Christ will be resurrected. After that the believers will enjoy eternal happiness and the sinners will enjoy eternal punishment. According to Christianity, human success depends on love of God and love of Jesus. As Jesus Christ was inspired by God's love and he distributed love to all mankind. Christians consider Christianity to be an international religion because of the concept of God's love and human love. For this reason missionaries are engaged in preaching and service work. Christian missionaries undertake education and health care programs.


    Basic Principles of Buddhism • Principle of worshiping nature.

    One of the sayings of Buddha is that man is the master of his own destiny. According to him, only through action can man be kind to all living beings - non-violence is the supreme religion and killing living beings is the greatest sin. Buddha's teachings can be found in the 'Tripitaka' in Pali. is recorded. Buddha believed in reason and self-realization. He also considers it inappropriate to accept his teachings without verifying them.  The essence of Buddhism is belief in anita, suffering and injustice. There is no such thing as a separate soul in Buddhism. There is no belief in supernatural powers in this religion. Reincarnation is believed in to get rid of thirst due to sorrow. According to the Buddha, liberation from lust, enjoyment, thirst, etc., may require the practice of births. Finally, when the thirst is completely extinguished and the desire for pleasure ends, the suffering ends. Then people attain Nirvana. The Buddha considered it absurd to question what happens to man after attaining Nirvana. The Buddha spoke of using religion as a raft to attain Nirvana. According to the Buddha it is

    Siddhartha Gautama was born in Kapilavastu, Nepal sometime around 563 BC. Though favored by the royal family, he was not attracted to kingdom and wealth. As a child, he was indifferent and preoccupied with family matters. The state of old age, diseased people, death and the life of a monk all affect Siddhartha's psyche. After observing the decay, suffering and impermanence of life, Siddhartha's reluctance towards samsara increased. In the midst of a monk's pursuit of knowledge, he finds joy. One day after that, Siddhartha left the family. He practiced austerity and immersed himself in severe austerities. Then, giving up severe austerities, he adopted the middle path and became absorbed in meditation. Through meditation, Siddhartha achieved success and attained 'bodhi' or enlightenment, becoming known as 'Buddha'. Buddhism is the religion preached by Gautama Buddha.

    According to the elder, the foundation of Buddhism on the animal level is the realization of the four truths. The four truths are- 1. Human life is miserable 2. The root cause of suffering is thirst 3. By destroying thirst, people get rid of sorrow 4. By adopting the middle path from desire for enjoyment to thirst. Thirst is the cause of millions.

    Liberation is possible and the middle path is the Eightfold Path. According to the Buddha, the existence of only animals is miserable. Thirst is born from the desire to enjoy. So only by suppressing thirst it is possible to relieve decay, death, grief, sorrow etc. The Buddha advises to take the middle path. The middle path is the path between the two extremes. One end is austerity and renunciation of everything and the other end is surrender to the flow of karma. The eightfold path includes – Prajna (same sight, same determination), Sheela (same speech, same action, same livelihood) Samadhi (same effort, same memory, same meditation). All that is necessary to be shunned for the attainment of wisdom are - evil deeds, envy, theft, adultery, lying, backbiting, harsh words, backbiting, covetousness, revenge, acquired ideas. To acquire shila or virtue one must speak the truth, do good deeds and live by righteous livelihood. In order to attain Samadhi, it is necessary to exercise restraint of the senses, to remember the Dharma and to gain concentration of the mind. In general, the basic foundation of the religious life of Buddhists is to follow the five principles. These five are - not to kill animals, not to steal, not to commit adultery, not to tell lies and not to take drugs. Bhikkhus (those who practice Dharma) have to follow Dassheela. They have to add five more sheels to the above five sheels. These are - Abstaining from the afternoon meal, abstaining from dances, not using perfumes, not using Uksha and not using gold and silver etc.

    According to the Buddha, only Karma Through this, people can change their lives. Buddha values ​​the lives of all beings. His message is to change lives

    One of the sayings of Buddha is that man is the master of his own destiny. According to him, only through action can man be kind to all living beings - non-violence is the supreme religion and killing living beings is the greatest sin. Buddha's teachings can be found in the 'Tripitaka' in Pali. is recorded. Buddha believed in reason and self-realization. He also considers it inappropriate to accept his teachings without verifying them.

    The essence of Buddhism is belief in anita, suffering and injustice. There is no such thing as a separate soul in Buddhism. There is no belief in supernatural powers in this religion. Reincarnation is believed in to get rid of thirst due to sorrow. According to the Buddha, liberation from lust, enjoyment, thirst, etc., may require the practice of births. Finally, when the thirst is completely extinguished and the desire for pleasure ends, the suffering ends. Then people attain Nirvana. The Buddha considered it absurd to question what happens to man after attaining Nirvana. The Buddha spoke of using religion as a raft to attain Nirvana. According to the Buddha it is unreasonable to carry the velarupi dharma.

    Nature worship

    | Prakriti Pujari's belief system is to worship the ancestors. For example, we can talk about the Khasias. They believe that everything in nature, even inanimate objects, comes from God. Moreover, they remember the ancestors and have souls to help them in any need.

    Many of the small ethnic groups of Bangladesh worship nature. One of Prakriti Puja's spirits is also powerful. Khasias offer food to deceased ancestors by placing food at the foot of the hill and organizing ceremonies. Prakriti Pujaris believe that not only living humans, but everything in nature and even inanimate objects have souls. They too and the Santals worship the Sun. They also believe that villages, households, crops and forests have spirits. They worship these spirits for the happiness and prosperity of people. The royals offered offerings to the spirits of mountains, rivers and forests. Khasias believe in the power of stones and use stones to ward off calamities. Many nature worshipers worship animals. Manipuris respect and give food to snakes and snakes. Santals worship the cow.

    Many nature worshipers believe in magic. They think that if an object of nature has a special quality, then by using that object, people can also possess that quality or get benefit. Among the Santals it is said that the world was created from a duck's egg. They also believe that life is hidden inside eggs. The egg is like a pregnant woman, who holds two souls together. From this belief they pray for child birth by using eggs through rituals. Many nature worshipers perform various rituals in imitation of the objects they desire. As they wish for rain, they also get soaked in water in groups, sprinkle water and dance. Chakmaras pray for rain and perform frog marriage ceremony. Their belief is that since the frog is an aquatic animal, nature will provide rain for the happiness of the frog. Murongs believe in the power of trees. Many of them marry their son or daughter to a tree before marriage in order to eliminate the dangers of married life. They refrain from going near the tree in the middle of the night and mid-afternoon, fearing that the evil energy of the tree may cause harm. Many nature worshipers believe in dreams and find meaning in dreams. They lead their lives by following the instructions of their dreams. For example, crocodiles believe that seeing something white in a dream like flowers, climbing a mountain, crossing a river is a good sign. But dreaming of a broken urn, something red in color and someone crying is an inauspicious sign.

    Nature worshipers take measures to ward off the influence of evil forces. They call upon Ojha to recover from snake bites. Ojha summons the biting snake by mantra and cures the bitten person. Prakriti Pujaris believe that animal sacrifices are necessary to ward off evil and gain good fortune. An example is the Garos. The Garos sacrifice animals to protect against disease and danger, for good harvests and for the safety of the group. The Chakmas believe that using magic and evil energy can make people sick and cause harm. They believe in magic spells to save themselves from all these harms.

    The basic foundation of Islam is monotheism. The main duty of Muslims is to obey Allah and submit to Him. According to Hinduism, the soul is immortal. Through action and sadhana, the union of the soul with the Supreme Soul takes place. Hinduism has the concept of reincarnation to bring about the purity of the soul. The basic message of Christianity is the trinity of God or the unity of the Father, God, the Son, Jesus and the Supreme Soul. is believed That in Jesus God appeared. Buddhism does not have the concept of God as a soul. Buddhism believes that lack of enjoyment leads to thirst and human life becomes miserable. In Buddhism, the main focus of sadhana is to suppress craving and get rid of suffering. Buddhism believes in reincarnation. Nature worshipers are nature lovers. They reconcile human life with the laws of nature. Nature worshipers try to subdue the forces of nature to fulfill their desires. For this purpose they perform various rituals.
